Yesterday began with one of the coldest mornings I can remember this year and a heavy frost, but ended with a warm, sunny afternoon and evening. Toby has begun taking longer walks, so in the afternoon we went round our playing field, where, in addition to greeting young footballers, he was delighted to find and investigate a new badger set. Toby has always been fascinated by wild animals and is very friendly towards them. It was amazing, some time ago, to see him playing with a deer on the monastery lawn late at night. Let’s hope that we can now build on the remarkable recovery he has made since surgery.
In our Gospel passage from John, (Jn 8: 12-20), we find Jesus still teaching in the Temple, much to the annoyance of the Pharisees, and yet, as John comments, “No one arrested him, because his time had not yet come.” It is as though Jesus is in command of the situation and that he himself will decide when his arrest, trial and death will take place. For the time being, he continues to antagonise the Pharisees. He begins on this occasion by saying to them directly,
“I am the light of the world;
anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark;
he will have the light of life.”
In the Sermon the Mount, Jesus says to his disciples, “You are the light of the world,” and here we find out how that is, for we reflect the light of Jesus. In fact, if we open up our lives to Jesus, then he becomes the Light of the world who shines in each one of us. We become transparent with the light of Jesus. We have the light of life, because we follow Jesus in all that we do. There are times, of course, when we fail to do that, but Jesus is at hand to help us start again. He does not want us to go astray. Strangely, the Pharisees are not really interested in what Jesus has to say, they are only concerned about his right to speak. “You are testifying on your own behalf; your testimony is not valid,” they retort. Jesus explains how his testimony is valid, in that he has come from the Father, so it is the Father who validates his words.
“It is true that I am testifying on my own behalf,
but my testimony is still valid,
because I know
where I came from and where I am going;
but you do not know
where I come from or where I am going.
You judge by human standards;
I judge no one,
but if I judge, my judgement will be sound,
because I am not alone:
the one who sent me is with me;
and in your Law it is written
that the testimony of two witnesses is valid.
I may be testifying on my own behalf,
but the Father who sent me is my witness too.”
The Pharisees are not really listening. All they can think of asking is, “Where is your Father?” Clearly, they have not understood what he’s been saying. He replies,
“You do not know me,
nor do you know my Father;
if you did know me,
you would know my Father as well.”
Yes, to know Jesus is to know the Father, as Jesus said to Philip, one of the Twelve, “If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” (Jn 14: 7). Jesus is the key that opens the door to understanding, knowing and seeing the Father. A Christian must be so Christ-like, that others can see not only Jesus, but the Father, too, in each one of us. That is what Jesus wants of us, his disciples, and he gives us the gift and grace of the Holy Spirit to make that possible, a reality in our lives. This is our common vocation in Christ.
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