The Parish Pastoral Council (PAC) is a body consisting of members of the parish whose function is to assist the Parish Priest in all matters pertaining to the effective living and spreading of the Word of God, and the spiritual care and development of God's people both within the Parish and in the world beyond. The P.P.C. is not an executive body. Its purpose is to enable the spiritual gifts and talents of the parishioners to bear fruit for the glory of God and the good of all. Through its discussion and advice, it helps the Parish Priest identify, implement and evaluate those pastoral initiatives and policies best suited to the spiritual needs of the Parish.
Children’s Liturgy takes place most Sundays at the 11 am Sunday Mass during term time. This takes the form of appropriate prayers and scripture reading presented in an easy way to our young people. All our leaders are DBS checked. If you are interested in helping, please let the Parish Priest know.
It costs just £12 a year to join the 150 Club and the opportunity to win a cash prize each month. The prizes are currently:
1st £50, 2nd £25, 3rd £12
Members are encouraged to pay by standing order in December each year. Further details can be obtained from John Hackman.
Currently working to re-launch our SVP work:
Our aim being to seek help for those in need.
The essence of our work is person-to-person contact and spending time with people is our greatest gift.
We do this in our local group by offering friendship, support and practical help to all we visit, without regard to faith, ethnicity, status or sexual orientation. As we visit people in their homes we have strict safeguarding policies and procedures and all visiting members hold a DBS certificate.
Belmont Abbey Parish enjoys a rich tradition of music in the liturgy. The Abbey Church hosts an organ that was originally built in 1870 by Bishop and Sons of London. In 2006 a decision was made to repair, restore this magnificent instrument and to bring it up to concert standards. The work was completed by Nicholson & Co. in June 2010 in time for the 150th Celebrations of the Foundation of Belmont Abbey. Further information can be found at Nicholson & Co.
The group offers music at the 11.00 Mass on the third Sunday of each month. They try to offer music which will appeal to all as well as using some of the songs which are distinctive to contemporary worship. Please contact Jane Davies if you are interested in singing or playing with the group.
Dates are noted in the weekly newsletter.
This group which will include CAFOD is to be re-started in the autumn, so please watch out for announcements in the newsletter.
Food Bank
The Hereford Food Bank continues to support families and individuals and is grateful for the support of all its donors. If anyone wishes to donate cash, cheques should be made payable to Hereford Food Bank and left in an envelope marked for the attention of Chris Moore. Standing order forms are also available from Chris as are GiftAid declaration forms. Please contact him for copies if you require them. For more information, please see their website (click here). Many thanks for your continued support.
The Association for the Propagation of the Faith (APF) assists each and every one of the Catholic Church's 1,062 mission dioceses and territories to provide pastoral care and preach the Gospel effectively.
If you would like one of these traditional household Red Boxes to collect your loose change or donations please contact Mandy Cooper who is our APF secretary responsible for distributing the boxes, collecting and banking the Red Box contributions.
Red Box holders become members of the APF worldwide, the only charity to support ALL mission dioceses on their way to self-sufficiency.
WOW@Belmont is a newly formed group for widows and widowers in the parish.
A chance to get together, share a cuppa (and sometimes cake) and just be with people who know how it suddenly feels to be facing life on your own. No agenda, no pressure , just tea/coffee chat and friends in the same boat.
Meeting dates meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month and posted in the parish newsletter.
Copyright © 2019 - Parish of St Michael and All Angels, Belmont Abbey, Hereford
Belmont Abbey Parish is part of Belmont Abbey Mission CIO (registered charity number 1191221)
Website design by: Every Day Christian Marketing