Message from Fr Paul for Thursday, 12th October 2023
I spent much of yesterday travelling back to Belmont from Greece and I’m writing this short message in one of the many Lufthansa lounges at Munich Airport. As my plane doesn’t get into Birmingham until 11pm, I doubt I’ll arrive at Belmont much before 1am. I really enjoyed having a break, but as the Welsh say after a good day’s weather, “We’ll pay for it later.” Munich must be one of the best airports to negotiate as you make a connection from one flight to another, especially if you happen to have a British passport. On leaving Thessaloniki, I was asked by the young border policeman how I’d been allowed into Greece without a visa, as he didn’t recognise a new blue British Passport. He took it from me and went off to consult a senior colleague. It’s the first time in 60 years of visiting Greece on a regular basis that I felt like an alien in a foreign land!
Today we keep the feast of St Wilfred in England, but in Spain and many countries in Latin America it’s La Virgen del Pilar, Our Lady of the Pilar, patron of Spain and venerated in Zaragoza, another reason why October is the month of Mary.
Our Gospel from Luke today, (Lk 11: 5-13), is the continuation of yesterday’s, where Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. It’s an extended commentary by Jesus on perseverance in prayer. “Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For the one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened to him.” Ultimately, the best gift of prayer is the Holy Spirit, whom our Heavenly Father gives to those who ask him.
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