Message from Fr Paul for Friday, 13th October 2023
It’s 11pm on Thursday night as I sit down to write a few words for today’s message, my first day back at Belmont after a short break in Greece. However, the drive from Birmingham Airport to Hereford took much longer than expected because of roadworks on the M42 that resulted in lengthy diversions, causing us to arrive at Belmont well after 2am. I didn’t really recover all day. Then, after Compline, I had to drive down to Newport to collect Fr Alex, who was arriving from his visit to the Cistercian nuns at Las Huelgas, Burgos, Spain. I wonder why the train to Hereford leaves Newport three minutes before the train from Paddington arrives.
Today the Church in England keeps the feast of St Edward the Confessor, last Anglo-Saxon king of the House of Wessex, who reigned from 1042 until 1066. He is buried at Westminster Abbey and was one of the English patron saints until replaced by St George by King Edward III.
Our Gospel from Luke today, (Lk 11: 15-26), sees Jesus casting out a devil and then taking about the devil, whom he calls Beelzebul. He says, “If it is through the finger of God that I cast out devils, then know that the kingdom of God has overtaken you.”
It is God’s will and through his power that Jesus casts out devils, as he tries to bring healing, unity and reconciliation to all God’s children. There are many devils abroad in thew world today, wreaking havoc, death and destruction. We ask Jesus to cast these from our world through the power of God and to bring us that peace with God which alone can bring peace among his children.
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