It’s already the second day of September and it strikes me that from tomorrow I shall have to wear my miner’s torch when taking Toby out first thing as I’ve been doing for the past ten days when going out in the evening. We take our evening stroll around nine o’clock and it lasts about half an hour. One of the great joys of early September are the blackberries, not so large this year for lack of rain, but with an intensity of flavour that makes grappling with the brambles well worth it.
We continue reading Luke, (Lk 5: 33-39), where Jesus has words with a group of scribes and Pharisees, who compare the behaviour of his disciples unfavourably with that of John the Baptist’s. “John’s disciples are always fasting and saying prayers, and the disciples of the Pharisees too, but yours go on eating and drinking.” John had a particularly austere lifestyle and, no doubt, his followers did as well. Jesus, on the hand, did not. He spent a good deal of time in prayer and solitude, but was admired more for his preaching and his miracles than for any special penitential practices. He was an ordinary Jew, you could say, and so were his disciples. What was extraordinary was their faith and courage, not esoteric austerities and penances. The only fast his disciples will experience will be the absence of Jesus when he is taken prisoner, condemned and put to death, but even that fast will last no longer than three days.
All this teaches us that what Jesus asks of us is uncompromising faith, especially in the face of rejection and persecution, to be faithful in our discipleship and obedient to God’s commandments. May the Lord himself grant us this grace. Amen.
Fr Paul
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