It was good to visit my mother yesterday, although the weather in South Wales was rough and it looked as though a visit to the beach would be impossible. Then, around 3.30, after a marvellous lunch and much needed siesta, the rain appeared to stop and a window of opportunity presented itself, so down we went. There were two other cars in the large carpark, yet no one seemed to be walking. The moment I opened the door, I realised why. The wind was so strong, it was almost impossible to stand, but I knew that Toby was keen to get out and give it a go. So there was nothing for it but to put on my walking boots. Toby was in his element running up and down the sand dunes, aiming for the beach. However, the tide was in and I knew it would be dangerous, what with that wind and the possibility of more rain. The last thing I wanted was to be marooned with no one nearby to come to our help. Not twenty minutes had passed before, suddenly, the heavens opened and the rain beat down sideways in the gale force wind. We both ran for the car. I managed to get Toby in first (he now uses steps to reach the back seat and his pet tube), then crawled in myself. I was soaked to the skin, whereas Toby, being a border collie, was not.
Today the Church celebrates the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, the cathedral church of the city and Bishop of Rome. The church is dedicated to Christ the Most Holy Saviour, Christ Church, as well as to St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist. We say that this church is the Mater et Magistra of all the churches, the mother and teacher. In fact, it is one of the oldest of the churches of Rome and takes precedence over the other Roman basilicas, including the Vatican. It is the mother church of Catholics and so kept as a feast all over the world.
Th Gospel read today comes from John, (Jn 2: 13-22), the cleansing of the Temple, in which he makes clear that the true Temple is his body, that will be raised to new life at his Resurrection on the third day. The Church is the Body of Christ, built of living stones by the working of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the Father’s will. Hence, today is a day of rejoicing for it is our feast, when we thank God for calling us to be members of his Church, the Body of Christ and Temple of the Holy Spirit.
Fr Paul
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