You’ll be pleased to hear that it’s just as cold here as it is where you live. The monks at Prinknash live in an ancient building, that had been the hunting lodge of the medieval abbots of Gloucester, so it’s not easy to heat and keep warm. Still, yesterday was a pleasant and productive day and I believe we are more than halfway through the Visitation. I can already look forward to returning to Belmont on Thursday. I apologise for not sharing a few photographs, but I’ve not had the opportunity as yet to take any.
Our Gospel passage from Mark for today, (Mk 3: 1-6), finds Jesus once again in the synagogue on the Sabbath and present there is a man with a withered hand. The religious authorities were on the lookout to see if Jesus would heal the man on the Sabbath, as they were intent on putting together evidence on which to arrest him. Jesus asked the man to step forward where all could see him. He then asked the question, “Is it against the law on the sabbath day to do good, or to do evil; to save a life or to kill?” There was no answer. The Pharisees knew that he had got the better of them. Their silence aroused Jesus’ anger, so he asked the man to stretch out his hand and healed him. The Pharisees walked out and started plotting with the supporters of King Herod. We pray for the courage of Jesus always to do good, no matter what the personal cost to ourselves, and never to be afraid to stand up for the truth.
Fr Paul
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Belmont Abbey Parish is part of Belmont Abbey Mission CIO (registered charity number 1191221)
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