Sadly, our internet connection went down again yesterday evening, so I was unable yet again to join in the zoomed Night Prayer for the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity. I feel both upset and embarrassed. I fear we have become a fourth world country, as St Teresa of Calcutta always used to say when she visited the UK. Far worse than not having an internet connection is the suffering of a quarter or so of British children who are hungry and cold as I write this message, while here I’m sat, warm and well-fed. So often now I feel I should give up this way of life and do something more positive and practical to alleviate suffering, as I used to do when I lived in Peru. There is so much going on at the moment that makes this country unrecognisable, such as the loss of faith and lack of vocations, that I get bouts of deep sorrow for the world in which I live. Last night I really felt the loss of not being able to pray with those taking part in the short, united service. Obviously, I was able to sit in silence and join them in my heart, but it wasn’t the same, of course.
Today the Church, and especially Cistercian and Benedictine monasteries, are keeping the feast of the holy founders of Cisteux, Saints Robert, Stephen Harding and Alberic. May their example and writings guide all monks and nuns on the road to holiness through their prayer, work and community life.
Our Gospel reading comes from Mark, (Mk 4: 21-25), and presents us with two of the sayings of Jesus.
“Jesus said to the crowd, ‘Would you bring in a lamp to put it under a tub or under the bed? Surely you will put it on the lamp-stand? For there is nothing hidden but it must be disclosed, nothing kept secret except to be brought to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him listen to this.’
He also said to them, ‘Take notice of what you are hearing. The amount you measure out is the amount you will be given – and more besides; for the man who has will be given more; from the man who has not, even what he has will be taken away.’”
To what is Jesus referring when he talks about light? It could be about himself and the fact that he is the Messiah. It could be the message he preaches and the grace, healing and forgiveness that goes with it, but Jesus limits the revelation of his message to those who trust him enough to really want to understand. Ultimately, everything will be brought into the light and all will be revealed and known. Lord, you once called your disciples the light of the world: may we be a light in the world for you today. Amen.
Fr Paul
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