Although we all love and enjoy the dawn chorus, and that includes Toby who loves interacting with birds and is very gentle with them, I must confess to much preferring the dusk chorus, which I am listening to at the moment as I pen these few words for my daily message. I’m hopeless at recognising the songs of each bird, avid Tweet of the Day listener though I am, nevertheless I am amazed each evening, as outside my office window, a seemingly endless chain of feathered friends serenades their loved ones and gives thanks to God for a wonderful day. I’m also amazed at their energy: unlike myself, they never get out of puff, and what is more, they are always in tune! It really is a foretaste of heaven.
Our Gospel reading for today comes from Luke, (Lk 11: 14-23), and sees Jesus casting out a devil. “Jesus was casting out a devil and it was dumb; but when the devil had gone out the dumb man spoke, and the people were amazed.” Although the people, as a whole, were amazed, some accuse him of casting out devils through the power of the Beelzebul, prince of devils, while others ask for a sign from heaven. Jesus replies that every kingdom divided against itself collapses, so how could he cast out a devil using the devil’s own power? It would make no sense. On the contrary, he says, “But if it is through the finger of God that I cast out devils, then know that the kingdom of God has overtaken you.” In Jesus, the kingdom of God breaks through into this world and where Jesus is, there is the kingdom. Jesus’ reply ends with an enigmatic statement, one which we also read elsewhere in the Gospel. “He who is not with me is against me; and he who does not gather with me scatters.” Through these words, Jesus invites his hearers to be with him and to fight together with him his battle against sin and evil. Unless we are truly with him, we are against him. That is a salutary thought for each one of us. Am I truly on the Lord’s side? In my daily life, am I working with Jesus to bring about the kingdom of God on earth? We pray constantly, “Thy kingdom come,” but do our actions prove the truth and authenticity of that prayer? Lord, may my prayers translate into action. Let them be filled with your truth and not with my own hot air. Amen.
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