Yesterday was a busy day. That is probably the understatement of the year to date! It began, as usual, long before dawn and was still going strong at 10.20pm when I sat down to write this message. It contained the daily monastic duties of prayer and work as well as exercise and fresh air with Toby, as real blessing for me.
Saturday is also the day when I finish off the parish newsletter, the monastic music list for the following week and other weekly items, such as bidding prayers. On Saturdays there is also the Parish Sunday Vigil at 4pm, a Mass started during Covid that now has a life of its own. In addition, parishioners organised a marvellous Fun Dog Show, attended by a surprisingly large number of dogs and their human companions. All those present thoroughly enjoyed themselves and expressed the hope that the day could be repeated next year. Toby was very pleased with his blue rosette and second place in the Senior Dog section. This was followed by a wedding, which fortunately was celebrated by Fr Simon. Nevertheless, things had to be set up for it and then cleared away, so that the Parish Mass could take place on time: we were just a few minutes late starting. When I sat down for the first psalm at Vespers, I suddenly relaxed in my choir stall, realising that this was the first time I had sat down since a quick five-minute lunch at one o’clock. Then, shortly after Vespers, Belmont hosted the most spectacular concert given by the ladies’ choir ‘Le Voci.’ They were truly amazing, giving the audience two hours of pure joy. They will be returning for a Christmas Concert on 16th December. If you get the chance to see them, don’t hesitate in doing so.
Our Gospel passage today, Good Shepherd Sunday, consists of the first ten verses of John chapter 10 and is the introduction to the discourse on the Shepherd and the Sheep. Jesus tells us that, “I am the gate of the sheepfold.” Only through him can we enter the kingdom of heaven.
“I am the gate.
Anyone who enters through me will be safe:
he will go freely in and out
and be sure of finding pasture.
The thief comes
only to steal and kill and destroy.
I have come
so that they may have life and have it to the full.”
Only through Jesus can we be saved and have life to the full, God’s own life, the life of the Spirit, united to the Father and to one another through Christ and in his Spirit.
Today is the day when the Church prays especially for vocations to the sacred priesthood. We pray for the Church throughout the world, but above all in our own country, region and diocese. At Belmont, we also pray for vocations to our own monastery and to our foundation in Peru. May generous souls come forward to offer their lives to God in his service through the priesthood.
Fr Paul
Copyright © 2019 - Parish of St Michael and All Angels, Belmont Abbey, Hereford
Belmont Abbey Parish is part of Belmont Abbey Mission CIO (registered charity number 1191221)
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