I must confess that I spent the whole of yesterday afternoon, apart from Vespers and a short walk with Toby, watching Wimbledon. I found the match to be totally exciting and exhilarating. When I discussed it with my mother, we found that we shared the same reaction to the match and were both energised by what we saw. It was also good for me to have an afternoon off, although the match was hardly relaxing! News from around the world is worrying and heart-breaking: heatwaves in Southern Europe and the United States, floods in Korea and forest fires in the Canaries and elsewhere. Let us keep those affected by natural disasters in our prayers, as well as those working to alleviate suffering.
In today’s Gospel, (Mt 10: 34- 11:1), we come to the end of Jesus’ instructions to his disciples, as he sends them out for the first time on the mission for which he has called them. It seems we have been reading these instructions for days. It might well be that they were compiled by Matthew from instructions that Jesus gave on a number of occasions. Some are more relevant to the mission than others, but all are relevant to our lives as Christians, being faithful disciples of Jesus. He warns them of the divisions that faith can cause in a family, for some believe but others not. He asks them to prefer nothing whatever to him, for in putting him first we will love others better, loving them as he loves them. They are to remember that they do not go out representing themselves, but God. He says, “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me; and those who welcome me welcome the one who sent me.” As St Paul will say, “What we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and we are your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Corinthians 4: 5) It’s important that we do not stand in the way of Christ and his message of salvation. We have to be transparent, as it were, so that others can see Christ in us and Christ can speak through us.
Fr Paul
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