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Belmont Abbey Parish

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Vigil Mass on Saturday 4:00pm

Sunday: 8:30am and 11:00am


Tuesday and Friday: 10:15am

All Parish Masses are celebrated in the Abbey Church.


Sundays at 9.30am; Weekdays at 8.00am



Matins & Lauds 6.30am; Midday 12.45pm;

Vespers 5.55pm; Compline 8.00pm


For the Conventual Mass and Vespers with Benediction

please sit in the Nave.


Saturdays at 10.00am to 10.30am

and by appointment


Takes place after the 10.15am Parish Mass

on Tuesdays until 11.30am

Welcome to The Parish of St Michael and All Angels

Dear Friends in Christ,


Welcome to the Herefordshire Belmont Abbey Parish website where you can find news and updates on Parish life.

Please look at the newsletter pages for the most up to date information about the parish.

In the meantime, every prayer and blessing, and welcome to our parish,


Fr Augustine Primavesi OSB

Most Recent Abbey

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Live Streamed Liturgy from Belmont Abbey

Scheduled broadcasts:

Vespers is broadcast at 5.55pm every day


Sunday 11am Parish Mass is broadcast every week


For previous monastic live streams click:


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A playlist of previous Parish 11am Masses

Latest Parish Information

By Jonathon Nicholls September 9, 2024
By Luke Evans September 27, 2023
Newsletter CAFOD Harvest Fast Day 2023 CAFOD Fast Day Oct 6 th 2023 CAFOD works with poorer communities around the world to aid them in their Development and also educates governments/companies/organisations about certain longstanding difficulties they could help improve. CAFOD works through local Christian partners, e.g. Caritas. They also send money as quickly as possible for any disasters and are part of the DEC. They then follow up with help for the areas to recover from such disasters. Last year one of the countries they helped was Pakistan after it suffered from severe floods, they are still aiding the recovery via mobile medical clinics driving to remote areas. Please do pray for all the issues CAFOD and partners are addressing and, if possible, fast from a meal or snack on Friday 6 th Oct and donate whatever money you can. Thank you so much. There ae many ways to donate; the usual collection envelopes which are especially useful for gift aid, or you could donate via the website: cafod.org.uk/fastday or via the QR code on the envelope/poster.
By Luke Evans July 19, 2023
Job Vacancy details; https://www.st-maryshigh.hereford.sch.uk/page/?title=Chaplaincy+Lead&pid=513
By Luke Evans July 19, 2023
Icon Workshops in September Belmont Abbey is offering two 5 day Icon Workshops led by Fr Alex Echeandia Loro. The 1 st Icon Workshop (Beginners to Intermediate) is from 11th to 16th September 2023, painting an icon of St Peter. he 2 nd Icon Workshop (Intermediate to Advanced) is from 18th to 23rd September,painting the tender icon of The Bridegroom. The cost for the teaching is £350 for each intensive workshop.  For further details contact Fr Augustine, retreats@belmontabbey.org.uk or 01432 374750.
By Luke Evans July 19, 2023
ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO OUR LADY OF PENRHYS Sunday 13 th August Pilgrim Mass of the Assumption of Our Lady 3.00pm at the foot of the statue The chief celebrant will be Father Tim McGrath. The music ministry will be led by the Bridgend Parish. Mass is celebrated at the foot of the Statue, weather permitting, so pilgrims are asked to bring their own seating. Should the weather be inclement we will move into the chapel of the Llanfair Community in the middle of the estate. The Community also offer us refreshments after Mass (and the use of the toilet)
By Luke Evans June 16, 2023
Course at The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst
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Home to the Benedictine Community

All are welcome at our parish

Please do make yourself know to the Parish Priest if you are new to the parish or just visiting
About Our Parish
Focus on Faith

Parish Homily and Articles

Follow the homilies and important parish updates found within this section.
By Jonathon Nicholls September 9, 2024
By Luke Evans November 8, 2023
Fr Paul's popular daily message can be read on the monastery website here
By Luke Evans October 19, 2023
Message from Fr Paul for Sunday, 1 st October 2023 Yesterday was a busy but happy day in the service of the Lord. In the morning, after Conventual Mass and Toby’s second walk of the day, I drove up to Leominster for Mass and Confessions, then came back to Belmont for a joyful wedding, elegant, homely and relaxed. Then came the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Silver Jubilee of Fr Richard’s Priestly Ordination, an uplifting celebration followed by a magnificent, traditional tea party. It was lovely to see so many well-known faces from all the parishes where Fr Richard has served. As a monk can never have too much of a good thing, this was followed by Solemn Vespers. Today, I will be at Leominster for Mass in the morning and again in the early afternoon, as well as at Bromyard for Mass later in the morning. Then, at 5.30pm the monastic community will sing Vespers at Hereford Cathedral for the vigil of the feast of St Thomas Cantilupe at the invitation of the Dean and Chapter. We are all looking forward enormously to returning to the Cathedral for the first time since lockdown. All are welcome to join us for Vespers. Fr Michael will preside and preach. Today’s Gospel from Matthew (Mt 21: 28-32) has Jesus asking the chief priests and elders of the people a question. “What is your opinion? A man had two sons. He went and said to the first, ‘My boy, you go and work in the vineyard today.’ He answered, ‘I will not go,’ but afterwards thought better of it and went. The man then went and said the same thing to the second who answered, ‘Certainly, sir,’ but did not go. Which of the two did the father’s will?” His question is based on the short parable of the two sons and the answer is obvious, but by getting the answer right, his adversaries fall into a trap. When they answer, “The first,” Jesus is able to compare them unfavourably with tax collectors and prostitutes, i.e. with public sinners. He contrasts the way they responded to John the Baptist’s preaching, which was to ignore him, and the response of sinners, which was to repent of their sins and change their way of life. Jesus says, “Tax collectors and prostitutes are making their way into the kingdom of God before you. For John came to you, a pattern of true righteousness, but you did not believe him, and yet the tax collectors and prostitutes did. Even after seeing that, you refused to think better of it and believe in him.” Now it’s fine to talk about the high priests of Jesus’ time, about the elders of the people, the scribes and Pharisees, but what about us? What about me? Which son am I like? How closely do I listen to Jesus and take his teaching to heart? Does his teaching call me to repentance? Does his example move me to conversion and new life? These are important questions we should be asking ourselves today. Lord, I have often been disobedient to your will and have let myself down; help me out of my indolence and give me grace always to do what is right and just. Amen.
By Luke Evans October 19, 2023
Message from Fr Paul for Saturday, 14 th October 2023 It was good to drive to Bromyard yesterday morning for Mass and to take Toby with me. This wasn’t new to him, of course, as in the past he had been there many times and always accompanied me when I went church crawling nearby. As you know, I love visiting ancient churches and love praying in them and singing the chant. I always get the feeling that the stones remember and rejoice. When I eventually move to Leominster and Bromyard next year on my retirement as abbot, one of the many things I’m looking forward to doing is visiting every ancient church in the north of Herefordshire, not that I can say that I’ve visited every medieval church in the south of the county, but I’m getting pretty close. Toby always accompanies me, as he loves sniffing around old churches and churchyards as much as I do. Today’s brief Gospel reading from Luke, (Lk 11: 27-28), is a most suitable passage to be heard on Saturday, which is usually dedicated to Our Lady. Here it is: “As Jesus was speaking, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said, ‘Happy the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked!’ But he replied, ‘Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it!’” It’s somewhat similar to the short account we read recently of a visit made by Mary and his brothers to Jesus, when he was preaching to the crowds and healing them. “Who are my mother and my sisters and brothers?” he asked, replying that those who hear the word and kept it are his mother and sisters and brothers. This time it is a woman in the crowd, who shouts out, “Blessed are the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked.” It’s not that Jesus disagrees with what she says, but he takes her thought a stage further. “Even more blest those who hear the word of God and keep it.” Who is more blessed than Mary his mother, who heard the word of God and kept it? We ask Mary’s prayers today that we, like her, may hear the word of God and keep it.
By Luke Evans October 19, 2023
Message from Fr Paul for Friday, 13 th October 2023 It’s 11pm on Thursday night as I sit down to write a few words for today’s message, my first day back at Belmont after a short break in Greece. However, the drive from Birmingham Airport to Hereford took much longer than expected because of roadworks on the M42 that resulted in lengthy diversions, causing us to arrive at Belmont well after 2am. I didn’t really recover all day. Then, after Compline, I had to drive down to Newport to collect Fr Alex, who was arriving from his visit to the Cistercian nuns at Las Huelgas, Burgos, Spain. I wonder why the train to Hereford leaves Newport three minutes before the train from Paddington arrives. Today the Church in England keeps the feast of St Edward the Confessor, last Anglo-Saxon king of the House of Wessex, who reigned from 1042 until 1066. He is buried at Westminster Abbey and was one of the English patron saints until replaced by St George by King Edward III. Our Gospel from Luke today, (Lk 11: 15-26), sees Jesus casting out a devil and then taking about the devil, whom he calls Beelzebul. He says, “If it is through the finger of God that I cast out devils, then know that the kingdom of God has overtaken you.” It is God’s will and through his power that Jesus casts out devils, as he tries to bring healing, unity and reconciliation to all God’s children. There are many devils abroad in thew world today, wreaking havoc, death and destruction. We ask Jesus to cast these from our world through the power of God and to bring us that peace with God which alone can bring peace among his children.
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Vocations - Catholic Church

Are you feeling increasingly compelled to spend time with Jesus? Do you find that your time is spent seeking Him and all things connected with Him?

If you have questions and you need some help with the answers; then firstly pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to understand what it is Jesus wants from you. Then, if you would like to talk, contact our vocations department; we can give you some guidance on how to further discern God's calling.
More about Vocations

Vocations - Benedictine Monks

St Benedict asks one thing of those seeking to join a monastery: “Is he truly seeking God?” (“Quaerere Deum”, Chapter 58 of the Rule)

"Dare to dream big dreams..."

Pope Francis teaches us that the youth of today must not live in fear, but must strive to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This relationship should be a foundation for our younger generation to "dare to dream big dreams" with confidence and without fear.
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